Stop Wasting Money On Airtime To Make Phone Calls Here And There When You Can Communicate Quickly And Efficiently For FREE, Using This
These Walkie Talkie were made using the best materials and can work at a long distance of 15Km. You can use them for security work, swift communication in the house between yourself and your house hold, for camping, for sports, and so on.
Even in those areas were you don’t get good effective service from your network provider. This is just a good machine needed in every house hold
You Can Now Communicate With Your Team, Workers, House Hold from 15 Kilometer Distance without SPENDING a DIME on Phone Calls Anymore, Saving You Stress And Money
We Also Offer FREE SHIPPING and A 6 Months Warranty. Meaning if there’s any mechanical fault on the Walkie Talkie, you will be refunded
You Will Get A Massive Discount Of 70,000 TSH If You Purchase Today